Quotation Explorer - 'Edna O'

Writers are always anxious, always on the run--from the telephone, from responsibilities, from the distractions of the world. - Edna O'Brien
Dotakne ti neko srce, posle je sve nebitno.Jedna osoba ga promeni i srce ostaje takvo.Obelezeno do kraja svih emocija. - Tamara Stamenkovic
Ljubav se cesto svede na lose oblikovan mozaik secanja i osecanja koja se ispostave kao jedna obicna kamuflaza za zeljom da sto duze opstane. - Tamara Stamenkovic
When anyone asks me about the Irish character, I say look at the trees. Maimed, stark and misshapen, but ferociously tenacious. - Edna O'Brien
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